Full Stack Developer

  • Worked on developing Applications using Python 3.4/2.7, Django 1.9, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, React, jQuery, and Node.js by following W3C standards.
  • Implemented server-side technologies with restful API and MVC design patterns with node JS and Django framework.
  • Worked on developing Single Page Applications (SPA) using React.
  • Developed complex SQL queries, Stored Procedures, Functions, and Packages, along with performing DDL and DML operations on the database.
  • Developed applications using amazon web services like EC2, Cloud Search, Elastic Load balancer ELB, S3, and CloudFront.
  • Worked with complete software development life cycle, architecting scalable platforms, objectoriented programming, database design, and agile methodologies.
  • Collaborated with project managers to select ambitious, but realistic coding milestones on prerelease software project development.
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