Worked on developing Applications using Python 3.4/2.7, Django 1.9, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, React,
jQuery, and Node.js by following W3C standards.
Implemented server-side technologies with restful API and MVC design patterns with node JS and
Django framework.
Worked on developing Single Page Applications (SPA) using React.
Developed complex SQL queries, Stored Procedures, Functions, and Packages, along with
performing DDL and DML operations on the database.
Developed applications using amazon web services like EC2, Cloud Search, Elastic Load balancer
ELB, S3, and CloudFront.
Worked with complete software development life cycle, architecting scalable platforms, objectoriented programming, database design, and agile methodologies.
Collaborated with project managers to select ambitious, but realistic coding milestones on prerelease software project development.